12.1″Transparent LCD Display name card box

42″ Transparent LCD is a very innovative technology that can be used in many different ways:
in shops, as a see through LCD window, a display to combine physical objects with movie,
a futuristic directory in malls, etc.

The ability to display full color video content on a

transparent pane without a projection system opens a world of opportunities for creating powerful effects to make your location or product stand above the rest.

Transparent LCD’s are customizable to suit size, color and shape requirements.

Web Side: Http://www.qiaoguo.cn Alibaba: Http://qiaoguo.en.alibaba.com

New Web: Http://www.qg-display.com

Email: meggie088@gmail.com
Email: owen@qg-display.com

- Post Time: 10-09-17 - By: http://www.rfidang.com