5 Ways to Read Faster That ACTUALLY Work – College Info Geek

Reading faster is possible, even if speed reading isn’t always the best way to go about it. Here are 5 methods you can use to read more books in less time.

Special thanks to Scott Berkun for recording a voice-over of his quote! His books are awesome and you should read them: http://scottberkun.com/books/


7 tips for reading more books ➔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiNISuM4wl0&index=3&list=PLx65qkgCWNJLglnT9x2R3Kn02NQgthgJ9

The other videos in the speed reading series:

Reading science ➔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv2BdHXRD3Q&index=4&list=PLx65qkgCWNJLglnT9x2R3Kn02NQgthgJ9
Speed reading techniques examined ➔ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL4WMHyUhdc&index=7&list=PLx65qkgCWNJLglnT9x2R3Kn02NQgthgJ9


My book “10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades” is completely free, so check it out if you’re interested in improving your grades!


Companion blog post with links to great articles on reading improvement:


Essential reading list for students:


If you want to get even more strategies and tips on becoming a more productive, successful student, subscribe to my channel right here:


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~ created by Thomas Frank

- Post Time: 10-10-16 - By: http://www.rfidang.com