Are Business Cards still important for photographers? Click Here to get my Business Card and FRO Bag Tag for FREE thanks to Plastic Printers (US Only, while supplies last).

I get asked all the time about the viability of business cards. I personally get handed a ton of business cards and not many leave me wanting to hang on to them. But what I can tell you is the ones that stand out are the ones I hold on to and remember. reached out to me unsolicited about working with me and my first reactions tend to be skepticism. But that soon passed when I looked at everything they offered on their site and saw they were the real deal. It also didn’t hurt that some FRO readers already use their services.

I decided to work out a trade with them that would benefit all of us. I get these awesome cards and bag tags, you get a FREE set of them and PlasticPrinters gets new awareness to their product. What I care about is that it’s win win for everyone.

I made sure that they would be very respectful when contacting you about their services. They will probably offer you some discounts or promotions but that’s about it.

Either way you get two really cool useful things to keep.

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- Post Time: 10-05-16 - By: