BlueBerry + Samsung Galaxy S (android): RFID UHF reading and Bluetooth transmission by TERTIUM

Blueberry by TERTIUM Technology is an RFID reader in a keychain shape able to read an RFID tag (HF or UHF) and send it via Bluetooth to any device with this interface.

BlueBerry was created considering the fact that a person usually has a mobile phone and a set of keys in his or her pockets. From this fact, the idea of creating a device that is easy to use and small, so small that it can become a key ring able to read an RFID tag by pressing a single button, and transmit the data read to a mobile phone or smartphone that is always taken along with us, was born.
All high-level operations such as information processing, visual display, forwarding via text message, e-mail or directly on server via GPRS are transferred to the device with which Blueberry will interface.

Defining Blueberry an RFID reader / writer for mobile phones is limiting. In fact, the device is a simple method to integrate the RFID communication system to any device with Bluetooth interface (PDA, Netbook, Notebook, PC etc.). Blueberry is also able to function as a normal table RFID reader by simply connecting to a PC via USB cable.

All these features make Blueberry highly functional in many applications.
Workforce Monitoring
One of Blueberry’s typical applications is the control of the workforce operating with other persons, such as home health care monitoring, maintenance / repairs management at home, the certifications for periodic overhauling of facilities.
Logistics and delivery
It is possible to integrate the RFID reading system to Blueberry to control the entire supply chain, allowing in most cases to keep the same hardware infrastructure previously used for that purpose.

- Post Time: 01-12-17 - By: