22 Linden Street, Toronto M4Y 1V6
Walk-in service 10 A.M.- 6 P.M. (M-F )
After hours make appointment @ 647-667-8022
Can you mass copy or supply RFID fobs?
We sure can! When it comes to copying whole fob keys, at least. While such an order would, of course, be great business for us (always a good thing!) if you’re looking for a mass distributor of the raw technology itself, you’re probably going to want to look to Motorola or another of the aforementioned leading RFID manufacturers. If you have more than 25 units, you will qualify for bulk shipping, so you’re going to be on the lookout for that. In addition, you should keep in mind that if we make many copies of one fob key, and said key is then deactivated, all duplicates will follow suit.
- Post Time: 10-10-17 - By: http://www.rfidang.com