Colored Wristbands

Wristbands may be worn to convey messages and make statements, as well as be used as a fashion accessory or for ornamental purposes. Wristbands are available in a wide range of colors. Different colored wristbands are worn by individuals as a way of demonstrating support for a cause or charitable organization or registering protest.

Colored rubber wristbands are very popular around the globe. Rubber wristbands are available with different color schemes that may convey a distinct message through each color. A red wristband is often worn to support HIV AIDS awareness and heart disease prevention. Red wristbands were also used for pro-Bush sentiments before 2004 election and are also associated with anti smoking campaigns.

Orange wristbands that say “I Will” usually signify awareness towards Multiple Sclerosis. Orange wristbands are also used to support Asperser’s syndrome, lupus and self-harm. American Cancer Society has released orange wristbands, which say “Live free Smoke free” in an effort to support anti- smoking drive. Orange color wristbands are also associated with Tennessee UT basketball team.

Green wristbands are usually used to show support for protecting nature. Green wristbands are also used for cancer support and convey organ donor-ship.

Blue colored wristbands are often used to support cystic fibrosis. They are also worn to demonstrate support for domestic violence prevention and child abuse prevention.

Purple wristbands with a message “MIND STRONG” are used to support Alzheimer. A purple wristband is often worn in support of troops.

White wristbands are often used to support Christian themes and have messages like “JESUS LOVE ME” or “WWJD” or “right to life” message. White wristbands are mainly worn to demonstrate support towards anti-racists sentiments.

Similarly combinations of white and black may be used to support anti-racists sentiments.

Pink wristbands are chiefly used to signify support for breast cancer.

There are many other types of colored bracelets, which are worn as decorative ornaments. Holographic wristbands display rainbow colors in electric light and those with neon colors glow in faint light. Holographic wristbands have become a hit amongst partygoers all around the globe.

Similarly glittering bracelets also shine in electric light and neon colors glow in the dark, making them extremely striking. Colored bracelets may also have messages printed that are fun to wear.

- Post Time: 12-19-15 - By: