Learn how to make multi-colored stackable square knot bracelets. Got a question? OPEN FOR MORE INFORMATION…
Want to learn how to add spikes to this bracelet? Watch the tutorial HERE: http://youtu.be/M1HIHMeFTFU
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SQUARE KNOT TUTORIAL: http://youtu.be/zu4Z4Aa7F6w
MATERIALS: All available from Michael’s (or any craft supply store) — waxed cotton cord, scissors, tape, ruler, clear nail polish
CAN I USE EMBROIDERY FLOSS? I wouldn’t recommend it. You need to use any type of cord with some thickness to it (waxed cotton cord, leather cord, hemp cord, etc.)
CAN I USE YARN? Again, no. Use cord.
1. Cut a 66 inch piece of cord and an 18 inch piece of cord.
2. Fold the long piece in half and tape it down. Tape the short piece on top.
3. About 4-5 inches from the top, place another piece of tape. You will start knotting the bracelet beneath this point.
4. Create square knots until your bracelet reaches the desired length. Confused about the square knot? Watch this tutorial: http://youtu.be/zu4Z4Aa7F6w
5. Cut off the right and left strands. Seal knots with clear polish.
6. Even out the tails.
7. Create an adjustable closure by overlapping the tails, securing with tape, and using a 12 inch piece of cord to create another square knot.
8. Cut excess from the closure, seal with clear polish.
9. Tie knots on the end of each tail (this secures the adjustable closure in place).
Music : “Budding” – Broke For Free (https://soundcloud.com/broke-for-free/broke-for-free-budding)
- Post Time: 07-14-16 - By: http://www.rfidang.com