Eternal (A Dramatic Reading)

A dramatic reading of the story “Eternal” written by Pastel Pony

With the defeat of the sirens and her subsequent acceptance at school, Sunset Shimmer had thought her life had made a turn for the better.

She thought it would be easy to simply forget the Dazzlings.

However, a run-in with Sonata Dusk brings in another perspective on the whole Battle of the Bands episode, one Sunset had never really stopped to contemplate.

After all, it takes one monster to understand another…


If you enjoyed this story, then please consider taking a look at the other videos on my channel for other great readings like this! And while you’re at it, please give the author some love, as the story would not exist without them. Their fimfiction page is right over here:
Go on… click it. You know you want to!

Also, please go and say Hi to Claritea for the adorable Sonata render you see as a title card here. The artist and artwork can be viewed over here:

You also want to click that link because it’s awesome.

Download the audio version of the story here:

- Post Time: 04-20-16 - By: