Fundraising Wristband Laboratory just shot a video in the Houston Tx Facility to once and for all show the true difference in quality vs so called 80% off bargain, silicone wristbands. As they say, the camera doesn’t lie, but the truth is it really can. Our video shows the true difference and we hope it will help many people before the get sorely disappointed and lose their money buying inferior wristbands. Have fun, send us your suggestions and comments and please share with others so they don’t get ripped off by some “bargain” wristband company claiming 80% off pricing and quality at the same time.
Video Recap: Silicone wristbands come in all shapes, sizes and most importantly, quality. Our founder literally created the no-minimum order silicone wristband industry. He is not just a business man, but a person filled with passion for what can be done with wristbands. It is easy to see he, just as the entire company, really cares about the quality of your custom silicone wristbands. As you watch some of our other wristband videos, it is also easy to see that nobody knows more about wristbands than we do. If you have a charity or fundraising need, Wristband Connection can do so much more for you than simply sell wristbands to you and let you figure out how to raise money with them. We are a caring group of true Americans who will help you in ways no other wristband company can. Wristbands are great reminders to others of who support your cause and since all things are relative, the quality of the wristbands you purchase for your cause speaks volumes about how much you really care too. The phrase, “Cheap is expensive” is something we are working to teach others. Think of wristbands as a tool, then imagine how a cheap tool works vs a quality tool. Good contractors use great tools and the same goes for a good fundraiser. When people see others wearing a wristband you gave them for donating to your cause, what message is conveyed? Does it look like a fashion item or does it look like it was originally used to hold broccoli or a bunch of pencils together? The fact is that you want people to wear your wristband forever, not just a day. We hope this video is helpful and that you will share it with others who are considering using wristbands for a cause. Thank you!

- Post Time: 04-18-16 - By: