mobile banking facility you need to download a software for your mobile phone known as — state bank freedom. Download the supported version of software for your mobile phone . This ap is available for android phone , symbian phone as well as for simple java mobile phones. The process of activation is very simple and easy . the complete process is automated . means you don’t need to visit your bank or branch. Just follow the process in the video tutorial you will be able to activate sbi mobile banking in minutes. Without going to your branch.
Step 1 — Download the State bank freedom software compact able for your phone from the website of state bank mobile banking section . select your MAKE ie your phone company then , select the model of your phone and click on download . Once the application will be downloaded , install it on your phone.
Step 2 — Registration procedure of Sbi mobile banking — First of all you need to use that sim card here which mobile number you had given in your bank . if you insert another sim card for your account , it will not get activated . so it is compulsory to use the same mobile number which you had given in bank record. Now to register you need to send an sms from your phone MBSREG and send it to 567676 , which will be charged at 3 rupees. Then you will get an sms from sbi which will be containing your user id and password( MPIN) for mobile banking .
Step 3 — You need to login to your sbi freedom application using that user id and password ( MPIN ). Now the application will prompt you to change the password . you need to choose a six digit numerical password and enter it to the desired box and the confirmation box. And click on change password. You will again charged 3 rupees for your sms. And if your mobile banking password will change , you will get a sms saying that your password has been changed successfully .
Step 4 — Change the channel – That is now you are using this mobile banking facility by sms , which will be charged on each transaction , hence to reduce the cost and make you affordable , you need to change the channel from SMS TO GPRS . once you prompt to do this you will be asked to enter your MPIN , it is your password which now you had created, Note you should have active internet services on your handset to validate the settings , so it will now try to access the internet from your mobile phone . if it is working connection , you will be prompted to enter the MPIN again. If every thing is fine , you will get an sms on your phone saying that you had successfully activated your mobile banking , Now validation from handset is complete , you need to so to any state bank ATM for activation of mobile banking facility.
Step 5 — Now visit state bank atm , whether state bank of Hyderabad , of state bank of mysore , or state bank of Patiala , etc. Insert your atm card , enter the atm pin , now click on mobile registration , here you will be asked to enter your mobile number , enter your mobile number there and confirm the same . once you do this . you will get a message on your atm and print out that you had successfully activated sbi mobile banking facility.
Step 6 — Now you can use , fund transfer any time to any bank , mobile recharge , bill payment , dmart services, etc from your handset any time any where.
- Post Time: 05-16-16 - By: