In newer credit and debit cards there is a RFID / NFC chip that allows you to use your card at stores without swiping the magnetic strip. It works by radio waves and is usually only good for around 6″ or closer to the receiver. The problem with this is it’s a security problem as anyone with a small hand-held scanner can grab your information when they wave it by your back pocket. Also I have noticed that whenever you use this feature the transaction defaults to credit, not debit.
All you have to do it look on your credit / debit card in the reflection, and it will be a small indent in the plastic about 2 millimetre square. simply punch a hole through it and you will hear the chip crack. Once you do that the RFID chip is disabled and will no longer function. The magnetic strip will still work.
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- Post Time: 05-30-16 - By: