JM60C fanfold printer.f4v ,Shenzhen tele-group Technology Co.,Ltd.
1.High Speed: The length of “Memjet”Printhead is same as the width of A4 paper, printhead no need to move around when printing, same print speed for full process color or monochrome,ultrafast print speed 12 inch/second.
2.High Quality: High photographs grade resolution 1600*1600 DPI,print color uniformity and dry faster,barcodes can be read 100%.
3.High production:mass production design according to the demands,needn’t wait,support 24hours online printing, installation and operation convenient,5 cartridge x 250ml “CMYKK” ink Reservoirs,total ink Capacity:1.25L , avoid changing ink reservoirs frequently.
4. Low consumption and cost: can be printed as much as you want,do not need to preprint ,full color printer cost far less than laser barcode printer and ordinary ribbon printer.

- Post Time: 09-11-16 - By: