Back hacking the scammers, using NFC tags with Trigger, fixing your WiFi, and giving your Desktop a memory bump.
Now Users can back-hack the scammers!
* The “Microsoft Tech Support Scam” has been making the rounds of late.
– You get a call from somebody who claims to be from Microsoft or a friendly tech-outfit
– The scammers have the user pull up the Windows logs which will, naturally, show errors
– They’ll then offer to fix the errors if the user would just install some software that gives them remote controll access of the operating system
– With that remote control access, then can then install backdoors, redirectors or other malware.
Here’s the thing… the Ammyy Remote Access software that the scammers are using is NOT malware
* It’s a legit tool that’s being used by scammers
– But that means it’s not a hardened exploit
A Security professional by the name of Matthew Weeks decided to exploit the software the scammers were using after his Grandparents were scammed.
* The result is a Metasploit module that takes advantage of a zero-day exploit in Ammyy.
* The module creates a package that is converted into a plaintext transcript.
– That transcript is then pushed to the remote end by injecting it into the DLL responsible for the encryption and decyption of data.
– When the remote end DLL recieves the transcript, in the process of unencrpyting it, it parses our the malicious transcript and turns it back into something that can be executed.
TA DA!!! — The victim now owns the scammer’s computer!
Using NFC Basics in Episode 103
Used a NFC Bracelet at DisneyWorld
Use NFC to Unclock your device. Using Motorola Skip
You’ll need to root your phone to unlock your phone otherwise.
Program Your Own Tags
- It allows you to string actions together or “trigger” them
NFC Tags
- NFC Rings
- Tags
Fixing WiFi in his big house
“Don Burgess –
Hi all, this may have been covered in a KH podcast but I have a 3,600 sq foot house where my internet modem and router are upstairs and I need WiFi coverage upstairs and downstairs. I have a TP Link Dual Band Router upstairs with a Cisco Dual Band Router running DD-WRT down stairs. My house is not wired with Cat5 so I am using a PowerLink connection between both WiFi routers and having a big drop in speed between the upstairs WiFi and the downstairs WiFi. Is there any other way to speed up the two connections without drilling holes in the wall to put a Line in between them. Can someone point me in the direction of solutions or remind me of a KH podcast that I might not have seen? Thanks”
A few things to check:
1. Use a free utility to see what WiFi signals are in your area.
2. Make sure that your APs are set to different channels. (1,6, 11)
3. Make sure your Powerline gear is not running through any power strips, bricks, conditioners.
4. Turn off DHCP on the second router. Set it to “AP Mode” – Use the same SSID so your devices can roam.
5. Instead of Powerline networking, consider a wireless bridge on the 5Ghz side that feeds 2.4Ghz WiFi
6. Consider using a wireless bridge close to the router upstairs (for good reception) connected to a second AP by wire.
1. Use an off-the-self wireless repeater unless you know how to set it up. (Especially one that only works in 2.4Ghz)
Memory Bump!
Let’s talk about:
1. Why would you want to upgrade?
– Buy a Price/Performance system and upgrade it’s components
– A good alternative to building your own.
** Many of these systems can be purchased for LESS that the price of their components.
— If you can get a few months of use out of them before upgrading specific parts, then it’s a major win
— Also… you get the warranty and customer service
(Basically… hey Homebuilders… GET OFF MY BACK)
2. What do you need to know?
– CPU Socket Type
– Memory Type
– How many PCIe slots? What speed?
– What’s the rating of your PSU?
– How many SATA ports does your machine have?
– Do you have backup media?
3. Before you start upgrading
– Have all the tools you need
– Have a place to store the screws you’re going to remove
– Uplug the power // Push the power button to discharge the PS capacitors
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- Post Time: 09-16-16 - By: