Magicard Pronto ID Card Printer

The Magicard Pronoto (Item #3649-0001) is a single sided photo printer that is affordable and reliable. The Magicard Pronoto was designed in a way that it can be affordable for your organization while still printing high quality and secure photo id cards. The holokote anti counterfeiting feature which puts a watermark on your photo id cards and can only be seen on an angle comes and is a standard option.
The Magicard Pronoto (Item #3649-0001) single sided printer has rewritable card printing technology. With the Magicard Pronto you can reuse a card that is not needed anymore by your organization and put someone ones information that is needed one the same card. The Magicard Pronto single card printer prints high quality with vibrant colors id cards.

- Post Time: 10-07-16 - By: