Making your own cards can be fun and also something you can share doing with your children. You can personalise and make them as simple or intricate as you want. Everyone appreciates the extra effort taken to show that you care.
To get started you will need some card. Most craft stores will have this card and the best weight is 225-250gsm. Look in your local department store as you may find you can buy it cheaper there. You can get it in many colours and different textures, so the choice is yours.
Fold the card into the size you want, most people use an A4 sheet folded in half or in quarters. Make sure you have an envelope to fit the size. For the front of the card you can decorate how you like to match the occasion. You can cut squares of wrapping paper to look like gifts and then cut gold or silver paper into strips to make the ribbon and glue it on. If the card is for Christmas, a Christmas tree with a star would look nice too. It is all up to your creative mind. If you are good at writing you can use calligraphy, if not preprint your words using a print program on your computer.
With the inside of the card you have 2 choices. You can write or preprint directly onto it, or as many do, including the card companies, use thinner paper to write or print on, which you can then glue to the middle fold. This actually gives a professional look to your greeting card.
Another very simple but effective way of decorating your card is to have your family photo on the front with “Greeting from the Smith Family” written or printed underneath. This is something family and friends can keep for longer than a few days.
If you want to involve your children, get them to dip their hands in paint and have their hand print on the front. It looks good and very personal. For a child a little older get them to paint a picture of your house and family. Stick-men are fine for cards and the more colour the better.
As you can see, the possibilities are only governed by your imagination. Writing a greeting with glue and sprinkling gold or silver glitter would give it a distinct look and be lots of fun to do.
You will find once you start, your creative talent will take over. We just need encouragement and enthusiasm to bring our creativity to its’ full potential
- Post Time: 12-13-15 - By: