Mobile Attendance Management using USB Dongle NFC Reader on Android eLocity A7

This video shows how to use the IDChamp USB Dongle NFC Reader to do Mobile Attendance Management using Grid-In-Hand™ Mobile Grid software with an eLocity A7 Android tablet.
This system is fast, simple, and easy-to-use. The attendee places the badge near the reader and Mobile Grid captures the badge number, records the check-in time, and displays the associated attendee from the database loaded on the Android tablet.
The eLocity tablet is a very convenient size for this application since the user can hold it comfortably in one hand, and has a large easy-to-read 7″ display.
Note when a badge is presented that is already checked in, the system will notify you.
Likewise, the system notifies you when a badge is presented that is not on the attendee list.
When all the attendees are entered, tap menu – upload. It’s that easy to have a list of attendees emailed anywhere as an Excel file, CSV file, and even posted into a SQL database.
Mobile Grid also works in this same fashion with Scanfob brand Barcode scanners, so you can collect attendee information for both barcode and NFC based badges.
The IDChamp USB Dongle NFC reader also works with the Acer Iconia A500 Android Honeycomb tablet, and other Android Tablets with USB-HID support. You can also use the reader on Windows and OS X machines, so this solution is unmatched in its flexibility.
For more information on this attendee management solution, and many other mobile wireless solutions, on hundreds of models of mobile devices, please contact Thank you for watching.

- Post Time: 10-10-17 - By: