Navizon Analytics lets you measure foot traffic both in near real-time and historically over time. Navizon detects Wi-Fi enabled smart phones and tablets throughout a target area, enabling unobtrusive surveillance of people traffic volume without compromising privacy.
Monitoring foot traffic in a private or public environment, both indoors and outdoors, can provide important insights about the number of and movement of people.
• What volume of people traffic pass by a given location each day?
• What are the peak traffic hours during the day? Throughout the week?
• How does weekday traffic compare with weekend traffic?
• How does traffic change between sunny and rainy days?
These are just some of the many questions that Navizon Analytics can help answer.
Navizon Analytics can provide useful insight for key business decisions.
For example, retailers can measure the success of their floor layouts in attracting customers to special offers. Mall managers can set lease rates for stores in different locations throughout the mall. Museum curators can tell what exhibits are popular and whether any adjustments to traffic flow are necessary. Convention centers can measure traffic throughout the trade show floor, enabling them to price booth locations appropriately.
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- Post Time: 05-14-16 - By: