Hi Friends, Here i am using the RTC DS 3231 (which works on the I2C protocol) to wake up my Arduino UNO board from sleep whenever the Alarm occurs. When the Alarm occurs an Interrupt is being triggered on the INT pin of the RTC and this interrupt wakes up the arduino from sleep.
este projeto consiste em configurar a velocidade de um motor(PWM) e deixar essa configuração salva na EEPROM
Всем привет. Сегодня я расскажу о том, как подключить SD-карту к Arduino. Подпишись и поставь лайк! Мой сайт – http://michael.com.ua/
Understand how Evidian Authentication Manager manages different authentication types: smartcard, biometrics, RFID…
Luiz Eduardo walks you through the basics behind RFID and discusses potential exploit vectors based on its application
Clase 13 – Programación dinámica: subproblemas traslapados, subestructura óptima Topics covered: Dynamic programming: overlapping subproblems, optimal substructure Instructor: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag mit-6-00-f08-lec13_300k.mp4
Thank you! Hey guys, well we have all been busy, you have all done a great job commenting about spreading the NFC Ring love over social networks, thank you so much, we’re half way to reaching the amazing stretch goal where Kickstarter Edition backers get a second ring for free so let’s keep pushing! We asked you at the beginning of the week to let us know your top three…
Um clássico da Tetra Pak é sua vitrine, que conta com mais de 1500 embalagens únicas. O desafio: – Evitar desperdício de uma ação não sustentável desenvolvendo tantas embalagens somente para amostra. – Alguns clientes mudam os grafismos das embalagens a cada 3 meses. Era preciso desenvolver um processo instantâneo de atualização. – O cliente Tetra Pak tinha muita dificuldade de encontrar a sua embalagem no meio de tantas outras….
use pn532 board to crack a mifare card(have default key in some sector). hardware: pn532 board + ft232rl usb to uart board software: libnfc-1.5.1, mfoc 10.2 in ubuntu 1. compile the libnfc and mfoc. 2. connect the hardware to computer. 3. run mfoc to crack the card. It will dump the card to a file you specified. This method only work when the card have default key in some sector,…
CBAY Hand-held Car Key Copy Auto Key Programmer for 4D/46/48 Chips http://www.eobd2.fr/cbay-hand-held-car-key-copy-auto-key-programmer-for-4d-46-48-chips.html CBAY Hand-held Car Key Copy Key Programmer for 4D/46/48 Chips CBAY Key Copy Programmer Recognize and Copy: Recognize: Recognize chip 13, 40/41/42/44/45, 4C/46/48, 4D61/62/63/67/68/68﹢/71. Able to tell if 48 chip is from original or deputy factory. Copy: Copy 46, 4D and a partial of original 48 I.E Buick Excelle, you have to use special GMT46/4D Chips, ID48 chips…
This video explain how to protect your NFC tag with NFC Tools. After write an URL for example, your NFC tag can be left intentionally in a place easy to reach for everyone. So, to avoid other people changing its content, you should lock your NFC tag to prevents any unwanted rewriting. For this, you can lock your NFC tag but this operation can’t be undone and your tag will…
ipay simulator http://goo.gl/b8eA7L
First test of my new MIFARE module. Is it alive?
Копирование меток Mifare / Обзор считыватель бесконтактных карт ACR122U-A9 / Заготовка, RFID брелок Mifare zero
We are able to bring back memories from the past using RFID technology. In this example we use a modified abalone iron, a Mifare RFID tag, a Nokia cell phone, and an iPhone to display our YouTube video.
Tutorial: Easy copy MIFARE® Classic sectors. http://www.mpsys.de
Amazon-US: http://myspan.us/slus/2/com/B01K6YQS9Q/info Description : Rfid 125khz Id Card Copier Writer with 5 Writable Tags and 5 Cards Copy and duplicate the / Id for backup purpose. Support Em4100/em4001/em4102/tk4100/em4305/t5577/t5557/t5566/5200/6608/cet5577/cet5520 etc. or compatible / format only. Standalone operation, no need to connect with computer / Pc. (don’t Hid card) Built-in individual Led lights and buzzer indicator. transceiver antenna. Battery power supply : 2 x 3v Aaa Dimension: x 38 x 13mm Easy…
Ссылка на товар http://ru.aliexpress.com/item/Handheld-125Khz-RFID-Card-Reader-Copier-Writer-Duplicator-Programmer-ID-Card-Copy-5pcs-EM4305-each-Writable/32275906999.html?recommendVersion=0 Наша группа в вк http://vk.com/irktaobao
CÔNG TY MÁY CHẤM CÔNG MINH TÂN Giá rẻ nhất 08) 39891001 /02 / 03 – 0917207004 – 0917416009 Website: www.thegioichamcong.com Đảm bảo quý khách hàng sẽ rất hài lòng với giá cả & dịch vụ hậu mãi của công ty chúng tôi. Thẻ cảm ứng Mango được dùng cho máy chấm công cảm ứng, có nhiều loại thẻ cảm ứng sử dụng tần số khác nhau. Tất cả các…