I recently become an Independent Scentsy Consultant! If you live in Australia and love it when your home smells amazing, please consider checking out my Scentsy site!: http://scentsofexcitement.scentsy.com.au
Make a beautiful paper bead bracelet for yourself, or a friend! Turn it into a gift for someone by making the matching gift box (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu_V1LiiVPY&feature=share&list=PLkmJBr7la9tGwhumuMGc_WxSgevDaVfgS)
2 strips of decorated paper (not cardstock), each strip is 4″ x 12″
ruler (inch measure)
paper trimmer or scissors
thread or string, small enough to go through the bead at least twice
2 small tapestry needles
a little dab of blu-tack
tacky glue
On the long side of the 4″ x 12″ sheet of scrapbook paper:
Make a mark at: (3/4″), (1 3/4″), (2″), (2 3/4″), (3), (3 3/4″), (4″), (4 3/4″), (5″), (5 3/4″), (6″), (6 3/4″), (7″), (7 3/4″), (8″), (8 3/4″), (9″), (9 3/4″), (10″), (10 3/4″), (11″) and (11 3/4″)
Turn paper around and on the opposite edge make a mark at:
(1/2″), (3/4″), (1 1/2″), (1 3/4″), (2 1/2″), (2 3/4″), (3 1/2″), (3 3/4″), (4 1/2″), (4 3/4″), (5 1/2″), (5 3/4″), (6 1/2″), (6 3/4″), (7 1/2″), (7 3/4″), (8 1/2″), (8 3/4″), (9 1/2″), (9 3/4″), (10 1/2″), (10 3/4″), (11 1/2″) and (11 3/4″)
I would love it if you would like to share this video via FB, Pinterest, other social media or on your blog! When you share it, please include a link to http://www.youtube.com/origamitwist (or to this video) saying that the project and video were created by “Jenn from Origami Twist”. I really appreciate it!
- Post Time: 08-07-16 - By: http://www.rfidang.com