Paper Greeting Cards Vs E-Cards

With the continually growing popularity of the Internet and the advancements made in technology, it makes perfect sense that e-cards have become a common method for keeping in touch with others. Thousands of e-greeting cards are sent every day, yet there is still a great deal of controversy surrounding these electronic greetings — and for good reason. While these cards are certainly easier and cheaper to send than paper greeting cards, there are some definite downsides to sending out e-greetings instead of traditional paper cards.

Making it Personal

It really doesn’t matter whether or not you type in a personal message; an e- card simply does not seem as personal as a paper greeting card. Just as a handwritten letter seems more personal than an email, taking the time to pick out a paper greeting card, to sign it, and to mail it out holds more meaning to the recipient. This is particularly true when it comes to recipients aged 35 and above, as they still clearly remember an era before computers and cherish the idea of receiving handwritten greetings.

Showing You Care

One nice thing about e-greeting cards is the convenience involved in sending these cards. We often completely forget about an anniversary, birthday, or some other holiday and remember it at the last minute; but even so, you can still send out an e-greeting on the day of the event and take pleasure in knowing you didn’t miss out on the special day.

Although e-greetings can come in handy in a pinch, they fail to show that you care at the same level as paper greeting cards. In order to get a paper greeting card to the recipient on time, you have to plan ahead. In fact, you often have to think about the special day at least a week ahead, so you can go out and purchase and mail the card on time. Sending a paper greeting card sends the message that you have been thinking about the person long before you saw the special day circled on your calendar.

Adding Animation and Sound

One advantage that e-cards have over paper cards is the fact that animation and sound can be added. While the latter have made attempts at adding music and other sounds, they certainly can’t rival what e-greetings can provide. For this reason and for the convenience, e-greetings are great for a quick little pick-me-up or for just having some fun with someone you care about. When it comes to a truly meaningful sentiment that says “I care,” however, most people would rather receive a paper greeting that doesn’t dance or sing, but that has a meaningful message with the handwritten signature of someone who cares about them.

There is certainly a place for both e-cards and paper greeting cards. Nonetheless, e-cards will never be able to completely replace the personal sentiment and message that is sent along with a tactile card.

- Post Time: 12-26-15 - By: