: Full deck of tough plastic washable Bicycle back playing cards
The PLASTIC CARD DECK is available at
Your favorite playing cards now made completely of plastic!
If you have been looking for a more rugged deck of cards, cards that will hold up to water and moisture, a deck that can be wiped clean yet a deck that has the official Bicycle back- you need these cards!
How many times have you been eager to show someone a great card trick, but you didn’t notice that the table was wet or sticky? Your cards probably got ruined. But not if you had been using this deck! These cards are made completely of plastic- NOT just plastic coated, but plastic all the way through. They stand up to the toughest situations, and wipe clean with a damp cloth. You could even use them in the swimming pool!
By the way, the Ace coming back to the top of the deck is the Ambitious Card move, which you can learn from the AMBITIOUS CARD DVD available at
The last cut was a Charlier cut. You can learn it from books like ROYAL ROAD TO CARD MAGIC available at or on DVDs like TOOLBOX available at
- Post Time: 06-18-16 - By: