RFID Door lock controller

RFID door lock is a cool DIY kit, which has all you need to build a complete RFID based door lock. Once you have built the kit, you can add in many rfid keys. Each tag can have a unique flavour :

Things you can do:

- Select access to rooms to people with rfid tags
* Great when flatting and keeping parents at bay
- Access to room for a time ( ex 2-3 pm only )
- One time key, The tag stops working after one use :)

This kit is a great platform and the ways you can use this kit is limited purely by your imagination. At the heart of the kit is the famous Arduino board.

See more about the kit and tutorial at http://hobbyist.co.nz/?q=rfid-door-controller

- Post Time: 06-19-16 - By: http://www.rfidang.com