This video will show using the Acer Iconia A500 Android tablet running the Android 3.0 Honeycomb operating system and this pocket-sized / keyfob sized high frequency Bluetooth RFID reader to read these 13 MHz (megahertz) RFID tags into the Mobile Grid application on the Android tablet.
Simply turn on the Bluetooth radio of the reader, then use the Mobile Grid Menu Connect option and tap on the RFID reader. The HF 13.56 MHz RFID reader will then connect over Bluetooth to the tablet and you can hold the reader up to the tag of interest and press the Read button.
You can see that the tag information is immediately transferred to the Mobile Grid application, along with the time and date and the location. Many options are available for information to store along with the tag with the Mobile Grid application.
When you have the data that you want, use the Menu Upload Grid and you can send this data as an Excel spreadsheet or post this data into a SQL database.
For more information on bluetooth and RFID barcode scanning solutions, please visit Thank you for watching.
- Post Time: 06-06-16 - By: