Secure Your Premises With Keyless Access Control Systems

The world in which we live is a very dangerous place with general safety and security deteriorating from bad to worse. Levels of lawlessness have sharply increased in the past thirty years resulting in a society shifting from safety without any form of security devices whatsoever to safety guaranteed only with the most advanced access control systems available. With no sign of a reversal or even a levelling out in this state of lawlessness and an overall trend toward a decrease in safety and security, it is essential that precautions are taken to ensure personal safety and the security of both domestic and commercial premises. Unfortunately, even institutions once considered beyond the reach of even the most hardened criminals such as schools, hospitals and nursing homes seem to be marked as legitimate targets for crime and violence.

The extent of the danger to both business premises and healthcare institutions should not be underestimated to the extent that such properties are specifically targeted by subversives the world over. The most vulnerable in society such as the elderly and children are targeted by criminals as helpless targets without any sign of remorse or compassion. Therefore those in authority have a responsibility to spare no measures available to counter this increasingly alarming threat.

Keyless access control systems present a practical and secure solution to prevent intruders entering a property at any time of day. Whereas keys can be misplaced by employees and there is a constant threat of them falling into the wrong hands, keyless access control systems eliminate such security concerns. Each electronic tag is easily programmable to limit access to certain areas of a premises and a replacement can easily be programmed if one is lost. Furthermore, if a single tag is misplaced by an employee, the security system can be quickly and efficiently reprogrammed to prevent its use without rendering the entire system useless. Keyless access presents employers and employees and the vulnerable under their care with a highly versatile and secure access control system.

Moreover, keyless entry provides a viable alternative to the use of access codes. While access codes are useful in so far as they can easily and effectively be altered throughout a system, access codes can also be easily forgotten. In contrast, an electronic tag can be programmed to allow access to whatever areas of a property that the individual requires while limiting access to restricted areas and removing the need for multiple keys. In addition, keyless access does not rely on the memory of an individual and access to restricted areas can be rescinded immediately and remotely. The keyless access control system requires very little maintenance and provides businesses or institutions with an extremely versatile system, allowing access to be granted or restricted as appropriate at any given time. Access control systems not only protect the vulnerable and those under care but also protect employees from criminal acts and violence. Such systems are invaluable to businesses and institutions in today’s lawless climate.

- Post Time: 12-22-15 - By: