The Z3 takes a nano sim, not a micro or standard size (Standard, Micro, Nano). If you have a larger sim you can always get it cut at any phone retailer and some of them will probably do it for free or a couple bucks.
Note: If you lose your Sim Tray I have some friends that insert it without the tray. Not that i am recommending this FYI. You can purchase these on Amazon or Ebay for about $4 or $5 shipped.
In this video you can see that i have a sim adapter too. I purchased the sim adapter kit so i can interchange between my many phones that require a different size sim card.
For instance, my Galaxy S5 takes a micro sim so I got my micro sim card cut to be a nano size. If i want to use my S5 I need to use my sim adapter to make it a micro again. I hope i make since here. It took me like an hour to explain this simple concept to my father. .
- Post Time: 09-23-16 - By: