was started by Victor Rey of Houston Texas, who started the first custom silicone wristband company in the world to offer single custom silicone bracelets. This is the first youtube video we made while just playing around and not understanding youtube. Since then, we have shown many people how to make wristbands online, but we are about to enter a whole new world of video marketing starting in 2010! Join our channel and watch us grow! Wristband will introduce you to our American staff, our processes, some of our customers and an entirely new way of thinking about what we can all do together. We will also expose those who are committing fraud in our industry, show you the dos and don’ts of making silicone bracelets and even give you opportunities to make money with one of the most popular products in the world. Did you know? Most people don’t know they can make a custom awareness bracelet. We will show you how to make money on youtube and in other very simple ways. Would you like to be able to sell wristbands to your youtube viewers? We are making it possible. See our Livestrong video, visit our site to see what we are doing for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. We hope to create a whole new Live Strong Challenge and help raise new money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
- Post Time: 08-08-16 - By: