This is a demonstration of command set of MiFare Card Reader. The built-in command set is used to access the device and perform read/write operations using the easy to using serial interface. Here Hyperterminal software operating at a baud rate of 9600 bps is used.
MIFARE Reader/Writer with USB Interface: The Entesla Mifare Reader/Writer Module is a contact less proximity read/write device that supports various RFID-devices out of the MIFARE® family and the ISO 14443A standard. The module comes with an integrated and optimized antenna for a quick and easy integration into applications. By using the USB interface the device can be directly connected to a computer with a USB port. The device detects as a USB COM port on the computer which is the same as your Serial interface. An application program can be used to communicate with the device serially. Data can be written and read from the RFID card. The storage and transfer of data is in an encrypted format and is handled by the on-board microcontroller, ensuring a secured communication.
Using the USB based MIFARE Card Reader/Writer, a Software with a nice GUI interface with an integrated database management system on the computer can be used for security and identification related applications.
- Post Time: 07-10-16 - By: