Scanfob® HF NFC with Bluetooth SPP-HID Bridge to Mobile Grid iPad

This video shows how to use this convenient key fob Sized HF high frequency 13.56MHz Bluetooth NFC-RFID reader with a BlueSnap SPP-HID bridge to read these RFID tags into the Grid-In-Hand™ Mobile Grid app on the iPad. The BlueSnap SPP-HID bridge consist of two BlueSnap dongles, and in this example is powered by a mobile power pack from One dongle is in Serial port profile or SPP mode and is paired to the NFC reader. The other BlueSnap dongle is setup in Human Interface Device or HID mode – also known as keyboard mode — and will connect wirelessly via Bluetooth to the iPad.
The other BlueSnap dongle is setup in Human Interface Device or HID mode – also known as keyboard mode — and is connected wirelessly via Bluetooth to the iPad.
Note the bridge it’s not limited for use with only the Scanfob Bluetooth reader, you can connect other Bluetooth RFID & barcode readers, laser range finders, other sensors and more. As long as the Bluetooth device sends only printable ASCII data it should work.
The BlueSnap bridge is powered by a mobile power pack. First power on the BlueSnap Bridge, and go to the iPad Settings app and tap Bluetooth in General the view. When the BlueSnap is shown, tap on it to connect.
Power OFF the Bridge, and turn on switch 3 on the small switch block of the HID side of the bridge. With this switch set, when the Bridge powers ON it should auto-connect to the iPad.
Power on the Bluetooth of the NFC reader by pressing the button for a few moments. Power on the bridge and both sides of the bridge should automatically connect, one to the Bluetooth NFC reader, the other to the iPad.
Now you can open the Mobile Grid app and scan tags, to collect data. When you have all the data you need, you can use the upload grid option to email the data as an Excel spreadsheet, post the data to an SQL server, and other options.
For more information on the solution shown here, and many other mobile wireless solutions, on hundreds of models of mobile devices, please contact Thank you for watching.

- Post Time: 11-25-16 - By: