Roam Mobility’s repluggable SIM allows you to use a SIM in standard or micro size. Once you pop it out, you’ll notice that inside the SIM you have a micro SIM cut or standard size.
If you leave it as is, you can insert it into a phone that requires a standard SIM or if you have a device like the iPhone 4, Nexus 4 or HTC One you can pop out the micro SIM from inside and use only the micro portion.
If you pop out the micro SIM portion of the repluggable SIM, but want to go back to using a standard size SIM all you need to do is put the two together. Put the micro SIM in front and then behind it, the standard SIM. Push them together until they snap into place, then you’ve got yourself a new standard SIM.
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- Post Time: 10-29-16 - By: