TransitionWorks Software has added Entrance Control to our ever growing catalog of solutions. A national park has implemented this solution which automates vehicle entry via controlled access points. TWS Entrance Control is distinctive because of its ability to easily integrate with virtually any of the compatible technologies necessary for entrance control, reaching far beyond just operating the gate.
Key Benefits:
• Automates restricted access
• Create special entrance schedules for individual users or user groups
• Create special entrance schedules for holidays, weekends, etc.
• Obtain a complete overview of site access history
• Streamline your on-site logistics processes to reduce costs
• Internet based remote control and monitoring for authorized users
How it works:
RFID tags are mounted on either the windshield of a user’s vehicle, license plate, or their ID Badge. The RFID tag contains a unique serial number registered to the designated vehicle/user. The RFID transmitter, mounted beside the entrance, activates the tag and the unique serial number is transmitted back to the receiver whenever a vehicle approaches or a user presents their ID Badge at an RFID controlled entrance. The system checks the entrance schedule to verify that this user is authorized to enter during this time of the day. If the user is authorized, access is granted.
Click here to read more about TransitionWorks Entrance Control solution. Or contact for a demo or more information.
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- Post Time: 11-24-16 - By: